Knowning the code, this tool can be useful for example to:
Its a simple python shell with a python path improved with pychemqt library directory, so we can use any pychemqt functionality, for example, a fast unit conversion would be as easy as:
In [1]: from lib.unidades import Temperature In [2]: T=Temperature(75,"F") In [3]: T.K Out[3]: 297.0388888888889 In [4]: T.C Out[4]: 23.888888888889
or a more elaborate properties calculation of water using refprop library:
In [5]: from lib.refProp import RefProp In [6]: water=RefProp(fluido=[u"water"], T=T.K, P=101325.) In [7]: water.rho Out[7]: 997.3267436702669 In [8]: water.h.str Out[8]: ' 100273.9488 J/kg'
This tools now is only available on linux, and dont let choose terminal client, use xterm